Seriously, a sink drain full of month old hair balls is less gross than a neglected blog.
Time for another recap!
You just created some killer content because you now know that…
So, next it’s time to discuss where to best publish your compelling content.
The most beneficial place to publish your killer content is on your own killer blog.
Here’s why:
1. Blogging Increases Your SEO.
If you’ve heard of SEO but still aren’t quite sure how this works, then just trust us that SEO is really important. And relevant content on your blog increases it by earning you additional indexed pages on your website.
There are a s*** ton of statistics showing how and why SEO matters. Here are two important ones to drive home it’s importance.
About “ 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.” AND websites with blogs typically have 434% more indexed pages than sites that don’t.
What does this mean?
Well, the number of indexed pages directly translates into more opportunities for clients to find you via online search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Amazon, etc. (e.g. the first place they land as soon as they hit the internet).
Imagine you’re visiting a rare library full of really incredible books and objects like the letter Abraham Lincoln wrote to a mother who lost five sons in the Civil War or Lewis Carroll’s footlocker (author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) or the most extensive collection of sci-fi writer, H.G Well’s, manuscripts.
BUT you don’t know these things exist, (though even if you did you wouldn’t be able to find any of them), because they’re not catalogued.
This exact same problem exists on the internet.
If the pages on your website aren’t catalogued (aka indexed), no one will be able to find you.
Basically, it’s like you don’t even exist (let alone visible on first page search results).
Content (and publishing it with accurate SEO) is akin to being alive online.
2. Your Blog Acts Like A Content Bank Account.
This is awesome. It’s like interest on your savings account (only with better returns!) A content bank allows you to not only continually make deposits but you can also make withdrawals whenever you need.
Need something to write about for an email blast or social media?
Look at what you posted on your blog that your audience responded the most to and repurpose it. This is your key to getting the most mileage and return on all of your content.
3. Blogging Has Benefits, Benefits and More Benefits!
This whole article could be on the benefits of blogging, but to keep it short, here are some additional ones.
Blogging builds credibility, provides more opportunities for your content to be linked to and from other websites, helps grow your network, it acts as a 24/7 voice for your company and it creates pathways for clients to find your products and services (via SEO).
4. Blog Disclaimer: If you can’t publish to it consistently, then take it down.
A blog is a lot like having a pet or a kid in that it requires ongoing, consistent effort and attention. So, seriously, if you can’t commit to a blog, shut it down. There’s nothing worse than starting and stopping a blog only to have prospects view it when it was last updated in 2002.
Seriously, a sink drain full of month old hairballs is less gross than a neglected blog.
Clients read outdated and ignored blogs as blatant proof that you don’t care, which ruins your chances of building credibility and trust. Nobody will notice a missing blog (they won’t know to miss it) but everybody will notice a derelict one (and judge you for it, kinda like I did two sentences ago).
So, if you have a blog that you treat like your favorite pet daschund then you’re already killing it.
However, if you can’t commit to feeding your blog killer content regularly or you’re looking for more publishing options, stay tuned.
Multi-Channel Options to Publish Your Content
In addition to publishing content to your blog, you’ll need to publish your content across a diverse range of both online and offline platforms.
Yes, I do. But I must tell you that the best strategy for content is the same one that you employ for your retirement savings and investments accounts: don’t put all of your (publishing) eggs in one basket.
This is because different generations of people get their content from a diverse range of sources (both online and offline).
I’m sure you still know a person or two who don’t have Facebook accounts and even a few that HAVE NEVER USED EMAIL. (Ok, my mind is blown here. Were they born before phones were invented?!).
The truth here is this: be prepared to meet people where they’re at, especially if they’re a part of your targeted buyer group.
I’ve heard square dance halls can be fun. Maybe it’s time you try a new thing or two.
Online Publishing Options That Work:
- Email blasts
Try out this pro, time-saving tip: for quick email blasts, copy the first paragraph of your blog into an email, then add a “Read More” link and connect it to your latest, full-length blog.
- Press Releases
- Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok (No, Tindr doesn’t count.)
- Content-Share Sites like Medium or Reddit (which has the BEST memes!).
- Create LinkedIn articles by syndicating blog posts from your personal LinkedIn profile.
- If you need more ideas (go knock yourself out): Check out 20 Places to Share Content.
Offline Publishing Options That Work:
“But direct mail is dead!”
Yeah, right. (Though some may be shocked by this particularly those born after 2000…)
Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. Check out these stats:
- Direct mail has a higher response rate than any digital direct marketing medium. In fact, the response rate of direct mail is five to nine times greater than that of email, paid search, or social media.
- According to MarketingSherpa, 76% of consumers trust direct mail more than digital channels when they’re ready to make a purchase.
- Direct mail was the top purchase influencer among Baby Boomers, even beating out word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family, according to a MarketingCharts study.
These statistics show that direct mail and other offline publishing options for your content will lead to successfully connecting with your audience. When direct mail is with consumer digital ad fatigue, you could tap into a real powerhouse method for connecting with your clients.
Though publishing to your blog is going to get you the most mileage out of your content, as you can see there are multiple online and offline options available. Make sure you publish in both areas and you’ll be on your way to better and more successful marketing.
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