Sales & Marketing Services

We offer Integrated, Inbound, Content-Centric and Data-Driven Sales and Marketing Services.

In order to be successful at attracting new business in the form of your ideal buyers, you’ll need the following:


A clear understanding of who your ideal buyer is  


A clear content driven, inbound marketing strategy 


A clear plan to implement said strategy 

Sales & Marketing: Inbound Marketing

We Want You To Attract, Not Chase

Create valuable, educational content and experiences to speak to your audience’s pain points and you’ll have buyers for life.


The building blocks of digital marketing




Email Marketing


White Papers, E-books, Case Studies




YouTube Video




Sales & Marketing Strategy + Plan

A goal without a plan is just a wish. A large part of our onboarding process is to do a deep dive into your business because we want to know about your growth barriers and goals.

We want to be aligned with your products, services, and what makes you unique. We’ll deep dive into your current clients and determine who your ideal buyer is. We dedicate hours to these efforts in the first couple of months.


Because everything we do for your sales and marketing is predicated on how well we know your business so that we can create the plan, implement it, and align it.


Content Strategy & Copywriting Services

Sales and marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.

If you’re selling something to someone, then you have a compelling and clear story. You may not know what it is yet, but you have one and we craft this for you. The best process, we’ve found, for discovering, owning and living your story is the StoryBrand framework. This is our go-to.

Creating great, high quality, SEO rich content is the name of the game here. Without it, you lack the fuel to launch your rocket to the moon. Good copy accomplishes many things –  it develop relationships with and educates your buyers, it reveals who you are – trustworthy and wise, it shares your story in compelling ways and helps get you found on search engines.

Sure you could buy syndicated copy (white label copy that multiple companies, including your competitors can buy, slightly change and then throw on your website, social, etc.). However, this is fool’s gold because its poor quality copy, you don’t own the copy, and your competitors could be using the same stuff. Plus, the search engines hate it.

BECAUSE bad, duplicate copy isn’t neutral online.

It pisses off the Google gods.

They punish you by docking your SEO.

This hurts you because now your buyers can’t easily find you, if at all.

So, don’t ever be fooled into thinking that copy is copy is copy. It isn’t. If you want results, you have to invest in getting the good stuff.

We specialize in the following services:


Project Management & Copy Creation for Website Design

We don’t DO website design but we’ll create new copy for you and project manage the entire process for you. If your website doesn’t help your buyers answer the below questions, it’s a dead duck.


Do they understand me and my problems?


What are they offering me?


Can what they’re offering help me?


Will it make my life better?


Are they competent, trustworthy and likeable?


Is it worth my money?


What do I have to do to buy from or work with them?

If your website doesn’t get to the heart and soul of who you are as a person and as a company, then it’s failing you and your buyers will go elsewhere.

Your website needs to make sense. It needs to represent who you are and what you do. It needs to be easy to read. It needs to work on mobile. It needs to be easy to update. It needs a lot of things. This is why having experts on board to do it right the first time is worth their weight in gold.

Websites are pointless if they live in a vacuum, aka, isolated from an integrated marketing strategy and plan. It’s like having a gorgeous, party-ready house in the woods but no one knows how to find it. This is where the rest of your integrated digital marketing plan comes into play. It’s time to help your ideal buyers find your house, i.e., your website. How do you do that – keep scrolling.


Email Marketing for Sales & Marketing Growth

It’s time to “call” people and tell them you’re throwing a fun party in your new house and they’re invited.

Your new website has launched. It’s time to party. But first you have to let people know. This is where email campaigns come in. 

“Emails,” you might be thinking, “that is so 2002.” But, it’s not. Around four billion people use email. That‘s more than total users on any one of the social media channels. If you were a startup looking to get into the social media game, you‘d be wiser to just erase everyone’s memories and reinvent email. Email is still the communication game for BILLIONS of business buyers who WANT to buy your services. 

Email campaigns don’t only need good copy, they also need a reliable contact list. (If you don’t have one, we can definitely help you out.) After that, it’s all about understanding your ideal buyers in-depth and writing specifically to them about how you can help make their lives better.



It’s time to frequent the coffee shop where all the fun and interesting people hang out to make some new friends.

Newsletters are the equivalent of a silent sales person that continue to “drip” on your contacts till there’s a collegial familiarity that emerges. It’s similar to running into the same people over and over again when you stop to get your coffee on the way to work. Over time, each little encounter could lead to an interaction that could lead to a conversation or friendship or a date or even a new IT services partner. You just never know. We get your newsletters delivered each month, chock full of your latest news, relevant musings, links to new educational blog pieces, helpful articles and webinars.



It’s time to share with the world how awesome your party was and that you know the difference between a hot dog and a bison brat soaked in the finest of micro brewed beers.

Blogs serve these primary purposes – they help you connect to your relevant audience by offering free high value, i.e., educational, content that speaks to who they are and their problems. When blogs are enriched with SEO/keyphrases, they help boost your website traffic and the quality of your leads. It helps you attract your ideal buyers while helping them find you.


SEO Analysis & Keywords

Your address, aka how people in need of a good party find your house

You’re trying to throw a bomb ass party. You only have so much time and money to get the word out so you start blasting your address everywhere. This is where SEO comes in. SEO is all the words that folks enter into their search engine to find what they’re looking for, like a good party.


LinkedIn Sales Navigator Consulting

You had your party. It was great. But now, you want to cherry pick the next party’s guest list.  

Our LinkedIn consulting will teach you how to find high-quality leads, access their contact info, and keep your sales pipeline consistently filled while having fun. To do this, you’ll need to sign up for LinkedIn Sales Navigator and training on how to use it to build your sales funnel with your ideal buyers.

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?  

It is the premium version of LinkedIn and helps you effectively find the best leads for you and your business.


Is it worth it?  

Yes, it’s totally worth it. 

Dave’s been awesome in working with me on LinkedIn Management. I had no idea what to do. But it was interesting. Dave made it super easy. It’s all about connecting to people and talking.

 Hector Ortiz, CEO & Co-Founder, Dega Systems 

If you want high-quality leads and reliable contact information, then you need to be on LinkedIn Sales Navigator because of the following:


Your sales and marketing efforts, such as direct mail, cold calling, lead generation solutions, etc. are no longer working. 


You have no idea if your lead generation solutions are working because you have no way of measuring them.  


You don’t have a budget or firm grasp on how your sales and marketing dollars are being spent.  


You want more inbound, digital marketing strategies that will increase your lead generation consistently over the long term.   


You want your marketing efforts to be more profit and less “time suck” and you’re looking for someone to shorten your learning curve. 


You want to try LinkedIn to fill your sales pipeline but it intimidates the hell out of you.  


You paid for and tried LinkedIn Sales Navigator but didn’t understand how to use it so you left. 


Webinar & Video Strategy Consulting

The flying limo that you just hired to bring your VIPs to the party dressed in their finest lederhosen

Videos and webinars are wunderkinds when it comes to engaging your clients because they’re easy to share and have a farther reach than most content formats.

Since video and webinars tend to be the longest running videos, they require the most preparation and initial investment to be successful. Our webinar consulting addresses the following points:


Pre-Webinar rehearsal with feedback on structure, content, presentation style and polling.


Webinar moderating, professional orchestration of your webinar, Q&A hosting, technical support for presenters and attendees.


Analytics and action recommendations based on webinar logs and reports. 


Webinar Presentation Design Editing (up to 15 slides/frame) 


Written recommendations to maximize opportunities.


Webinar provider software set-up and invitation configuration. 


Webinar invitation design and production. 


Webinar script writing, content structure design, poll writing. 


Webinar follow-up campaign design and recommendations. 

BUT they need to be entertaining, engaging and for the most part, short BECAUSE video marketing, when done well, increases your followers, grows your contact list, drives traffic to your website, leads to increased conversions and doubles your business.


ConnectWise Integrations/CRM / PSA Consulting

Tracking all your party’s attendees to invite them to the next party

You might already be using a CRM tool such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, ConnectWise, or Autotask.

HOWEVER, are you using it as efficiently as you could be? If not, we can help by examining your current sales processes and business cases and providing training and support until your system and processes are performing as they should.


Metrics Review

It’s time to measure your results so you can throw even bigger and better house parties.

If you strive for excellence, then you need to track your data analytics. Otherwise, how will you know if you’re making continued progress or just spinning your wheels in the mud? You need data to help identify bottlenecks, road blocks or other barriers that are holding you back.

In order to track the results of our sales and marketing efforts, we use a scorecard based on EOS methodology along with relevant KPIs. These KPIs might include website traffic, content performance, form submissions, leads, sales and others.

As we move into launching your integrated marketing strategy, it’s important to track your metrics so that we can continue to make the best sales and marketing decisions.

Congratulations! You made it through all of our services. We hope you’ve learned a lot and are ready to move boldly ahead.

We’ve been working with Scott Growth Strategies for some time now and it has been fantastic. Dave and Heather from day one went from the top all the way down and hit every single line item, reviewed it and made sure the deliverables were there. No stone was left unturned. Nothing was missed. They treated us like family. They’re an extension of the staff and you can just tell they care. They delivered on time, on budget and they exceed expectations every single time. I highly recommend them no matter what your business is. My single largest reason for recommending Scott Growth Strategies is they deliver results and truly havthe feeling of an inside marketing team.

Kelly Siegel, CEO, National Technology Management  

Ready to grow into your next big thing?
Schedule a call now by filling out the form below.


Based in Minneapolis, MN with offices in Fargo, ND.

z Check out our podcast

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Ep. 2 – Confessions of a Burnt Out Marketer: Marketing interview with Jack Kosakowski

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Ep. 3 – Confessions of a Burnt Out Marketer: Marketing interview with George Bardissi

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