Our Proven Process To Get You Results

Our proven process has 5 parts.

We get your business back on track. 

Here’s what we do for you: We handle your overall growth strategy and create compelling messaging and copy that converts visitors into buyers.

We do this while avoiding the endless trap of poorly written website copy, sales copy, and marketing copy.

We create your growth plan, along with your overall sales and marketing strategy, then get to work in executing it. 

Your buyers want to buy from you!

You just have to create a value proposition that’s clear and compelling because it’s how the human brain is wired. The human brain is wired for clarity. And your ideal buyer wants clear, concise messaging and communication.

Yet, this type of hot mess, free-for-all-informational-overload is so ubiquitous these days that it seems fairly “normal.”

Google (and other search engines) reward those with the best value content, not those that are turning the interwebs into just another trash heap for old and forgotten content.

We believe it’s critical to creating the kind of content that helps your business grow and to make the internet a friendlier, less exhausting place to hang out.

So, that’s what we do. We handle your overall growth plan that converts visitors into buyers.

We get your business back on track to reignite your fire and get your spark back.



Here’s our process to get this done, below.

1. Starts with a plan

You gotta know where you’re headed and how to get there. 



The overall growth strategy and marketing plan includes:


Helping prospects find you

by driving traffic to your website and social channels.


Finding your ideal buyers

how you will make their lives better.


Sharing your process with them

for working with you.


Making it easy for them

to start using your services and products.

Here are the specific tactics we use to get you results:



Create a comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with your business goals.


Publish Content

Create a publishing calendar with promotional methods and deadlines.


Know Your Audience

Map out the characteristics of your ideal buyers. 


Tracking Metrics

Set up a metrics reporting structure to measure and track your return on investment (ROI).


Generate Content

Identify, outline and write compelling topics for blogging, case studies, e-books, influencer campaigns and more.

Project Management

Assign responsible parties to specific tasks and track progress on and timelines for deliverables.

2. Finding your ideal buying persona

You already have clients you love. You want more of them. Our work in this step will focus on identifying who your ideal buyer is, how they make decisions, and how to capture them so they ultimately buy from you. 

3. Publishing to attract buyers

Perfectionism hurts. It kills your sales and marketing momentum and holds great content hostage. Remember, progress, not perfection. Our goal is to publish content on a consistent basis that attracts visitors and converts them into leads. 

4. Promoting your brand

Remember when you were a kid and the other neighbor kids knew where to meet to play a pick up game of soccer? Your buyers have these places too. We’ll uncover them. 

5. Measuring with purpose

You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Our goal is to create a scalable sales and marketing machine. We then measure it with key performance indicators (KPIs) to gather insights that will keep getting you results.

Tracking your progress is integral to understanding if and why your sales and marketing efforts are helping you attain your business goals. Typically, we track site traffic, content performance, form submissions, leads, email marketing metrics, social media engagement, and of course sales. We collect and periodically review all data to glean important insights into how your ideal buyers are responding to your sales and marketing efforts. Then, we reassess our approach for effectiveness, make changes where ever needed and forge forward.

Strategic sales and marketing results is an iterative process because buyers behaviors evolve over time. Collecting and analyzing data is the best way to keep a finger on the pulse of these changes. It’s important to understand what’s working and what’s not. We can’t always understand the ‘why‘ 100% of the time but we can seek to understand your ideal buyer and how to influence their buying decisions using practical data and metrics. 

“When I engaged with Dave, one of the first things he noticed was that our branding was not communicating a clear message. We had no style guide, no unified way to use our name, our colors, our logo, and things like that. We started working with him to create, what is DataCorps? What does it mean? What is our story? What do our colors tell? What does the logo tell? What does the name tell? So, we dug into that stuff using the StoryBrand process. Nobody had taken the time to do that before. My favorite thing about working with Scott Growth Strategies was the StoryBrand process. I had such a good time working with Dave to refine those thoughts. He literally had to force me to extract why I choose this, why I chose that, what is the deeper message behind it? I’ll be honest, it was painful because I’m not great at explaining myself and my own methods. But it was so valuable to see that on paper because I could start clearly seeing what we really are.” 

Angel Rojas 

Founder & CEO, DataCorps 

Ready to grow into your next big thing? Let’s connect!

Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.


Based in Minneapolis, MN with offices in Fargo, ND.

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