
At SGS, we know IT Services owners, SaaS business leaders, and other B2B professionals can lose themselves in the process of building their businesses.

Afterall, you’re the hub that’s always running to keep things operating smoothly.


Running your business and overall growth is hard but it doesn’t need to be impossible.

At SGS), we are obsessed with your growth and your success.

We’re so fanatical about it that we created a program that’s focused on a growth mindset designed to transform your business.

We offer two coaching services aimed at transforming your business, your life, and your sales and marketing.

Our coaching is developed based on a proven process of leveraging years of industry experience to help executives drive growth, optimize operations, and enhance your overall business performance.



You cannot do this without a trusted guide, acting as a coach to help you.

Here are some of the struggles we solve for you through our coaching program, that we commonly hear from business owners and executives:


They struggle to manage their sales, their sales team, their growth, and how they market themselves because of a lack of a cohesive structure and process.


They struggle to connect with their ideal buyers in meaningful ways.


They struggle with feeling stuck in the cold call sales cycle, and struggle filling the top pf their sales funnel(s).


They struggle to implement change, which holds them back from the growth they deserve.


They struggle in finding it harder and harder to generate leads or worse, close deals.


They struggle with getting referrals through a referral process that’s no longer working for them.


They are unable to effectively manage their inside sales staff because of a lack of project management and structure.

Here’s how our Executive Coaching works to solve these challenges and more:

You schedule a one-time, 90-minute meeting where we assess your business and your leadership.

You get invited to join our Coaching Program where we:

  • Identify and stop the cycle of chaos and anxiety.
  • Help you overcome what’s holding you back.
  • Address self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back and implement change in your life.

You get invited into our group and community.

You benefit from monthly sessions where you improve your overall mindset, while eliminating self-limiting beliefs.

You take control of your life by improving the way you feel, think, and behave so you get beyond the symptoms and address the core of the problems that are holding you back.

Without addressing your struggles, you’ll lift your head above the forest and see that twenty years of your life has flown by.
And, as you look around at your peers, you’ll be wondering how some of them are managing to grow their companies, have a family and still find time to enjoy their life.

How are they doing it? Genie in a bottle? Magic?

Their success stems from two things: mindset and attitude. Resolving these struggles, combined with implementing strong internal processes and organizational habits, equals a business executive that’s unstoppable.

Start by defining your version of success and challenging yourself to grow no matter how uncomfortable it is. Then, sign up for our Executive Coaching program where we give you structure, discipline, and organization around your growth.

Dave and his team are a specialized marketing and growth strategy group that creates and implements comprehensive go-to-market strategies. They led our website initiatives, SEO efforts, email marketing campaigns, marketing collateral, copywriting, and PowerPoint presentations and so much more. Dave does sales and marketing better than anyone I know. He literally lives and breathes it, expertly combining strategy with execution. Working with Dave and his team has been the best marketing decision we’ve ever made. 

– Reed Warren, CEO, iTValuations






Here's our approach to coaching young (and old) sales and marketing pro’s:

We’ve coached hundreds of up-and-coming sales and marketing professionals that went on to become shrewd, experienced veterans through a proven plan that guides them in collaborating with the big wigs.

Our use of a blend of coaching and real-world schooling helped each one advance quickly in their sales and marketing acumen, taking your company along with it. 

We are big believers in sales and marketing mentorship and coaching.

Early in our CEO’s career, the hands-on training he received taught him more than any other experience. He can remember deals at every company that simply wouldn’t have closed without help and mentorship. Applying these learnings to subsequent deals enabled him to win — and in a much smaller time frame. Eventually, he took those learnings and taught them to sales reps he was mentoring.



Perhaps you fit one of these scenarios and need help getting to your next stage of your sales and marketing career:

You're a recent college grad in sales and marketing and are struggling to find a the right role that fits your purpose, and learning style, and skillset.

You're a marketer struggling to advance in your sales and marketing career.

You’re the owner of a business and want to hire someone to mentor/coach your sales and marketing person to become a rockstar.

Maybe you lack the self-confidence to engage with you and your leadership team. Maybe you struggle with finding your voice and backbone, and don’t know how to handle conflict. Maybe you struggle with limiting self-beliefs like people pleasing and are afraid to be honest and vulnerable in order to drive growth and change.

Maybe you struggle with limiting self-beliefs like people pleasing and are afraid to be honest and vulnerable in order to drive growth and change. 

Maybe you lack the necessary project management skills to follow through and complete tasks and deliverables, or maybe you lack the time and resources to be effective and are afraid to ask for help.

If you can relate to any of these pain points or struggles, don’t give up. We can help you.

Here’s how our Sales and Marketing Coaching program works:

You schedule a one-time, 90-minute meeting where we assess you, your role, and your strengths and weaknesses.

You get invited to our Sales and Marketing Community to begin getting organized through project management methodologies, and sales and marketing best practices.

You benefit from monthly coaching sessions to improve your mindset, skillset, leadership abilities, and attitude.

The key I believe is that if you work with Scott Growth Strategies, you’re going to wind up with a better appreciation for what you have because Dave is great at extracting that and telling that story. As a result, you’re going to be more confident in communicating your value. You’re going to be more confident in explaining to somebody why they should spend their hard-earned money with you, and in turn that’s really going to make sales easy. You’ll go in with confidence, knowing and believing in your product and that you built something great. All you needed was help in communicating that.  

Angel Rojas, Founder & CEODataCorps 



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Based in Minneapolis, MN with offices in Fargo, ND.

z Check out our podcast

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Ep. 2 – Confessions of a Burnt Out Marketer: Marketing interview with Jack Kosakowski

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Ep. 3 – Confessions of a Burnt Out Marketer: Marketing interview with George Bardissi

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