Season 3 Episode #2: From Stuck to Successful - Interview with Howard Borochaner - Co-Founder and COO at MSP Fuel

With over 40 years of experience in the IT and MSP industry, Howard is passionate about helping other MSP owners and their staff achieve their full potential. Howard is the President of Project Fuel and the COO and Co-founder of MSP Fuel, which provides MSPs with the same systems and strategies his partner and himself used to grow three MSPs to over $300K in MRR each at 7-figure profits. Howard believes in sharing his knowledge and insights with the MSP community and empowering them to scale their businesses confidently and efficiently.

Prior to MSP Fuel, Howard developed unparalleled experience in building and managing MSP business operations. He was a pioneer in the startup of Dynamic Digital Services, one of the first and most successful MSPs. There in collaboration with Gary Pica, he developed the first proactive Managed Services delivery model that became a benchmark in the industry. Don’t miss this show with Howard!


